The Esophageal Motility Disorder of Polymyositis

• A prospective study of 12 patients with the diagnosis of polymyositis or dermatomyosiois was initiated to determine the characteristics of the esophageal manometric patterns in this group. All of the patients were women between the ages of 30 to 80 years and met three of four of Bohan's diagnostic criteria for these diseases. The patients' conditions were classified according to Rose and Walton's muscle weakness index. Almost two thirds of our patients exhibited distal esophageal dysfunction by manometry. Based on our roentgenographic and manometric data, we conclude that in addition to the well-described abnormalities in the striated portion of the esophagus, smooth-muscle dysfunction occurs with a high frequency in this patient population. (Arch Intern Med1983;143:2262-2264)

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