Anticipatory nausea and vomiting: Does it remain a significant clinical problem?

A study performed 5 years ago in our clinic revealed a prevalence rate of 31% for anticipatory symptoms. This finding is consistent with other investigations. It was hypothesized that more effective management of postchemotherapy nausea and vomiting and briefer chemotherapy regimens since the previous study would decrease the prevalence of anticipatory symptoms. The study reported in this article assessed the prevalence of anticipatory symptoms in 121 patients receiving parenteral chemotherapy over a 7-week period. The overall prevalence rate of 33% for anticipatory symptoms was not significantly different from the previous study or other investigations. Length of postchemotherapy nausea was significantly related to the report of anticipatory symptoms. However, the severity of symptoms reported in the investigation was mild. The prevalence in patients on adjuvant therapy for breast cancer was also significantly reduced from the previous investigation. It is concluded that although anticipatory symptoms commonly occur they are only rarely clinically significant.