Human monocyte-derived soluble product(s) has an accessory function in the generation of histamine- and concanavalin A-induced suppressor T cells.

We have analyzed the cellular interactions required for the generation of histamine- and concanavalin A (Con A)-induced suppressor T cells by employing a co-culture assay and techniques for fractionation of human blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). PBMC cultured in the presence of histamine (0.1 mM-1 mM) or Con A (20 micrograms/ml) for 24 h, mitomycin treated and subsequently combined with autologous mitogen-stimulated mononuclear cells, significantly suppressed a subsequent blastogenic response. PBMC fractionated over nylon wool columns and depleted of adherent cells and enriched for T cells (NWNA-T) were unable to generate suppressor activity. However, suppressor cell function by NWNA-T cells was reconstituted by the addition of autologous monocytes. In both the histamine and ConA suppressor systems, the requirement for monocytes in the activation process was enhanced by suspending the NWNA-T population in supernatants derived from allogeneic monocytes stimulated with heat-killed Staphylococcus albus. These crude supernatants contained leukocytic pyrogen (LP) and lymphocyte activating factor (LAF). Sequential purification and separation of the crude supernatants using gel-filtration, immunoadsorption, and isoelectric focusing demonstrated that only those fractions containing LP and LAF were capable to reconstituting NWNA-T cell histamine and Con A-induced suppressor activity. Thus, these studies suggest that the accessory role of supernatants derived from activated monocytes in the generation of suppressor cells may be mediated by LP/LAF. Further studies are in progress to explore the mechanism by which soluble factors stimulate suppressor T cells.