Permeability of the continental crust: Implications of geothermal data and metamorphic systems

In the upper crust, where hydraulic gradients are typically 10 MPa km−1, the mean permeabilities required to accommodate the estimated metamorphic fluid fluxes decrease from ∼10−16 m² to ∼10−18 m² between 5‐ and 12‐km depth. Below ∼12 km, which broadly corresponds to the brittle‐plastic transition, mean k is effectively independent of depth at ∼10−18.5±1 m² Consideration of the permeability values inferred from thermal modeling and metamorphic fluxes suggests a quasi‐exponential decay of permeability with depth of log k ≈ −3.2 log z ‐ 14, where k is in meters squared and z is in kilometers. At mid to lower crustal depths this curve lies just below the threshold value for significant advection of heat. Such conditions may represent an optimum for metamorphism, allowing the maximum transport of fluid and solute mass that is possible without advective cooling.