Field-Dependent Antiferromagnetic Resonance Modes in CoCl2

Results have been obtained for the magnetic field dependence of the far‐infrared transmission of single‐crystal antiferromagnetic CoCl2 at 4.2°K. The energy range was ħω > 10 cm−1 and fields up to 26 kOe were applied perpendicular to the hexagonal axis. The two uniform‐mode antiferromagnetic resonances, ω1 and ω2 , are nondegenerate in zero field with ħω1 = 19.0±0.2 cm−1 . The normalized energy‐field behavior follows simple curves: for ω1 , a circle of radius 32 kOe centered at (0, 0) ; for ω2 , a straight line crossing ω1 at 23 kOe and appearing to pass through the (0, 0) point. These results, coupled with high‐field magnetization measurements, permit calculation of the isotropic and anisotropic coefficients of exchange (intra‐ and interlayer) and the g factors.