The fluvial sandstone beneath the Mill Coal in the Westphalian ‘A’ of Scotland erosively overlies a lake mudstone. Slightly erosive surfaces within the sandstone, traceable for over 200 m, are used to divide it into two types of major sedimentary units termed type A and type B.Type A sand units are approximately 200 m wide, up to 7 m thick, convex upward, and lenticular in all directions. The constituent cosets overlap to the ENE and dip mainly at 1–2° downcurrent (NNW), but locally at 10–15°. Where thickest, type A sand units display a vertical facies sequence commencing with trough cross‐bedded and massive sandstone, overlain by a thick zone of ripple cross‐lamination, a thin zone of trough cross‐beds, and a variably eroded silt drape up to 0.4 m thick. Attenuated lateral margins are dominated by flat bedded sandstone with primary current lineation. Type A sand units are interpreted as deposits which were accreted on to a large fluvial bar during successive flood events. The bar is thought to have had a similar topographic significance to sand waves described from the Brahmaputra and slip face bounded bars observed in the South Saskatchewan river.Palaeocurrents measured from trough cross‐bed sets 0.3–1.0 m thick within type B sand units indicate flow to the WSW, perpendicular to the palaeoflow direction measured from type A units. In sections perpendicular to the WSW flow direction type B units are lenticular, and in ENE‐WSW trending sections they can be traced for over 80 m at a constant thickness. Type B sand units are interpreted as the product of low stage channels which flowed across bar fronts and tops.The sandstone described herein is interpreted as a braided‐type river deposit but is atypical, because it is fine grained and has an internal structure dominated by ripple cross‐lamination and upper phase plane beds. The palaeoriver is thought to have been of low sinuosity, 7–10 m deep, with a high suspended load and large rapidly fluctuating discharge. At low stage a braided‐type flow pattern developed around submerged bars. The regime of the palaeoriver was probably controlled by the fine sediment grain size and humid tropical climate.

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