The development of competence in Bacillus subtilis is normally dependent on the growth medium. Expression of late competence genes occurs in glucose-minimal salts-based media but not in complex media. Expression is also inhibited when glutamine is added to competence medium and when glycerol is substituted for glucose. Mutations have been identified in two regulatory loci, mecA and mecB, which render competence development independent of these variables. Although in mec mutants the expression of late competence genes, as well as of competence itself, occurred in all media tested, this expression was still growth stage regulated. Thus at least some forms of medium-dependent and growth stage-specific regulation are genetically separable. One of the mecB mutations (mecB31) conferred oligosporogenicity. The mecB mutations were tightly linked by transformation to rif, lpm, and std markers and were located between rif-2103 and cysA14. The mecA42 mutant was linked by transduction to argC4.