The life history of Ilybius fenestratus was studied in Målsj⊘en, a lake in S⊘r-Tr⊘ndelag, Central Norway (63°14'N, 10°26'E), during 1971–1972. Adults and larvae were sampled in activity traps every week during March–October and every 2–3 weeks during November–February. Newly-emerged adults were generally found from mid-July to September, and after overwintering in torpidity, probably in the water, they again appeared in the second half of June to August/September. Laying of eggs took place from early/mid July to early August. Larvae occurred in the traps from late July to early May. I. fenestratus was thus found to be a semivoltine summer breeder, with overwintering larvae the first winter and overwintering adults the next. Both adults and larvae lived in large areas of the lake's littoral zone.

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