In contrast to the Mössbauer spectrum of the orthorhombic compound Na2NiFeF7 that of the manganous compound Na2MnFeF7 gives evidence of two different iron positions. This rules out Na2MnFeF7 to be isostructural with Na2NiFeF7, which crystallizes like most compounds Na2MIIMIIIF7 in the weberite structure, the MIII ions occupying only one site in space group Imm 2-C2v20. The Mössbauer data evaluated for the two iron sites (Fe 1/Fe 2 respectively) in Na2MnFeF7 are: θ = 0/90°, φ = undetermined/70°, η = 0.6 both, Η = 551/541 kOe, Vzz = ± 2.7 · 1018 Vcm-2 both. NaMnFeF7 is antiferromagnetic with a Neél temperature of TN = 94 Κ for both iron positions.