Heterogeneity of pig plasma amine oxidase: molecular and catalytic properties of chromatographically isolated forms

Pig plasma amine oxidase was resolved into several fractions by ion-exchange and hydroxyapatite chromatography. These fractions were separately purified, and each fraction was analyzed for catalytic and structural properties. The relative amount of these fractions varied between preparations. Each fraction was composed of a unique set of bands on isoelectric focusing, as revealed by activity and protein staining. All the fractions contained 2 mol of Cu2+ and one active-carbonyl cofactor per 195,000 g of protein. There was no detectable difference in the amino acid contents of the fractions. The fractions all had similar catalytic properties using benzylamine as the substrate. The chromatographically resolved fractions had differing carbohydrate contents as revealed by gas chromatographic analysis and interaction with lectins. Further, some of the isoelectric focusing bands interacted with lectins of differing affinities. The heterogeneity may be due to variable carbohydrate content. Further, the practice of pooling the various chromatographic fractions may yield misleading results under certain circumstances.