A light‐emitting diode light standard for photo‐ and videomicroscopy

A light calibration system consisting of a compact light-emitting diode (LED) source with feedback control of intensity is described. The source is positioned in the focal plane of the microscope objective and produces flat-field illumination of up to 31 microW. The source can be easily used to determine the performance of microscope optics and camera response. It can also be used as a standard light source for calibration of experimental systems. Selectable light intensities are produced by controlling the LED input power via a feedback circuit consisting of a photodiode that detects output light intensity. Spectral coverage extends between 550 and 670 nm using green, yellow and red LEDs mounted side by side, which are selected individually. The LED chips are encapsulated in plastic diffusers which homogenize the light, and a flat field of illumination is obtained through a thin 1-mm-diameter aperture positioned directly over each chip. Provision is made for insertion of Ronchi rulings over the aperture to enable measurements of contrast modulation in a uniform field. The light may be pulse-modulated to assess camera response times and the device can be synchronized with video frames. Narrow bandpass interference filters can be placed between the objective lens and the LED source to produce monochromatic light without affecting the spacing of controlled light intensities since emission spectra do not shift appreciably over the range of LED powers chosen in this design. Results of tests using controlled light intensity and uniform illumination are presented.