Suicidal behaviour in adolescents

A lot of studies have been executed in the field of suicide, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts in adolescence. This paper reviews the scientific literature of the past two decades on the following subjects: international epidemiology and trends, correlates of suicidal behaviour (environmental factors, psychological and psychopathological factors, behavioural factors, biological changes), and prevention. Of these subjects, the knowledge on epidemiology Seems the least puzzling. Reasonably sound conclusions about the occurrence and trends in adolescent suicidal behaviour can be drawn, as far as Europe and the United States are concerned. Knowledge about the correlates of suicidal behaviour however, is less transparent, sometimes contradictory and valuable new information seems scarce. The establishment of the relation between suicidal behaviour and other problematic behaviours and psychological states and psychiatrical disturbances, such as depression is difficult. A shift in objective from suicidal behaviour as a single dependent variable to suicidal behaviour as pan of a larger concept, such as a style concerning problematic reactions to problematic situations, is suggested.