Self-consistent pseudopotential calculation of the bulk properties of Mo and W

The bulk properties of Mo and W are calculated using the recently developed momentum-space approach for calculating total energy via a nonlocal pseudopotential. This approach avoids any shape approximation to the variational charge density (e.g., muffin tins), is fully self-consistent, and replaces the multidimensional and multicenter integrals akin to real-space representations by simple and readily convergent reciprocal-space lattice sums. We use first-principles atomic pseudopotentials which have been previously demonstrated to yield band structures and charge densities for both semiconductors and transition metals in good agreement with experiment and all-electron calculations. Using a mixed-basis representation for the crystalline wave function, we are able to accurately reproduce both the localized and itinerant features of the electronic states in these systems. These first-principles pseudopotentials, together with the self-consistent density-functional representation for both the exchange and the correlation screening, yields agreement with experiment of 0.2% in the lattice parameters, 2% and 11% for the binding energies of Mo and W, respectively, and 12% and 7% for the bulk moduli of Mo and W, respectively.