Towards a non-singular pre-big bang cosmology

  • 6 November 1996
We discuss general features of the $\beta$-function equations for spatially flat, $(d+1)$-dimensional cosmological backgrounds at lowest order in the string-loop expansion, but to all orders in $\alpha'$. In the special case of constant curvature and a linear dilaton these equations reduce to $(d+1)$ algebraic equations in $(d+1)$ unknowns, whose solutions can act as late-time regularizing attractors for the singular lowest-order pre-big bang solutions. We illustrate the phenomenon in a first order example, thus providing an explicit realization of the previously conjectured transition from the dilaton to the string phase in the weak coupling regime of string cosmology. The complementary role of $\alpha'$ corrections and string loops for completing the transition to the standard cosmological scenario is also briefly discussed.

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