Time series of δ14C, δ13C, and concentration of atmospheric CO2 covering the last 12 years are available at the Kraków sampling site (southern Poland) representing an urban area exposed to anthropogenic pollution of both local and regional origin. The samples represent continuous monitoring in biweekly intervals. Observations covering the time period 1983–1994 show a linear decrease of the 13C/12C ratio (δ13C = −9.6% in Jan. 1983) with a slope of −0.02% a−1. The decreasing tendency in the case of 14C (δ14C = 221% in January 1983) is weaker with a broad minimum in 1991 (δ14C = 124%) and subsequent gradual increase by ca. 10%, coinciding with a substantial reduction of coal consumption in Poland (26% reduction in 1991–1994 for heat and electricity production), partly compensated in agglomerations by increased gas consumption. The 12-year record of the CO2 concentration in Kraków points to a constant value fluctuating at a high level (average: 373 ppmv) reaching a maximum yearly average of 376 ppmv. These carbon isotope signatures were used for the separation of fossils from biogenic and “background” components, reflecting the strength of relevant sources. The monthly mean of the fossil component varies from ca. 10 ppmv in June to 27.5 ppmv in March while the yearly mean decreased ca. 16 ppmv since 1991.