One gene encodes two distinct Ia-associated invariant chains.

Murine immune response region-encoded Ia antigens are associated not only with invariant (Ii) chain but also with several other polypeptides, most notably a 41K protein. The present report demonstrates a striking similarity between Ii and 41K. These polypeptides were found to be serologically cross-reactive, and they also display a similar peptide composition on partial enzymatic digestion. Both polypeptides are derived from distinct unglycosylated precursors, as demonstrated by tunicamycin treatment and cellfree translation. Hybrid selection of mRNA, as well as Northern blotting with an Ii cDNA, shows the presence of two mRNA coding for the Ii chain and the 41K protein. Rat fibroblasts transfected with a mouse genomic Ii clone synthesize both the murine Ii chain and the 41K protein. These observations demonstrate that a single Ii gene encodes two distinct but closely related proteins.