Pressure dependence of the electron-phonon interaction and Fermi-surface properties of Al, Au, bcc Li, Pb, and Pd

The electrical resistance of Li, Pd, Au, and Pb is measured as a function of temperature and pressure in the region -20 °C to +30 °C and 01.3 GPa. Self-consistent linear muffin-tin orbital band-structure calculations of these elements and of Al are performed at normal and reduced volumes. Results are obtained for the density of states N(EF), the average Fermi ve- locity, the optical mass, the plasma frequency ω, and the volume dependence of these parameters. The pressure dependence of the electron-phonon interaction λ(p) is obtained from these measurements and the calculated ω(p). For the superconducting elements there is good agreement with the measured superconducting Tc(p). Results from our previous measurements and calculations on Al, V, Nb, and La and published results for ω(p) are included in this comparison. λ(p) increases with pressure for bcc Li and decreases for Pd and Au. Pressure is expected to suppress spin fluctuations much faster than λ(p) in Pd. The possibility of inducing superconductivity by pressure in Pd and bcc Li is discussed. The electronic Grüneisen parameter γe is obtained from λ(p) and the volume dependence of N(EF). Comparison with other results for γe generally shows good agreement.