Fermion-number violation in regularizations that preserve fermion-number symmetry

There exist both continuum and lattice regularizations of gauge theories with fermions which preserve chiral U(1) invariance (“fermion number”). Such regularizations necessarily break gauge invariance but, in a covariant gauge, one recovers gauge invariance to all orders in perturbation theory by including suitable counterterms. At the nonperturbative level, an apparent conflict then arises between the chiral U(1) symmetry of the regularized theory and the existence of ’t Hooft vertices in the renormalized theory. The only possible resolution of the paradox is that the chiral U(1) symmetry is broken spontaneously in the enlarged Hilbert space of the covariantly gauge-fixed theory. The corresponding Goldstone pole is unphysical. The theory must therefore be defined by introducing a small fermion-mass term that breaks explicitly the chiral U(1) invariance and is sent to zero after the infinite-volume limit has been taken. Using this careful definition (and a lattice regularization) for the calculation of correlation functions in the one-instanton sector, we show that the ’t Hooft vertices are recovered as expected.