Supersymmetric Domain-Wall World from D=5 Simple Gauged Supergravity

We address a supersymmetric embedding of domain walls with asymptotically anti-deSitter (AdS) space-times in five-dimensional simple, N=2 U(1) gauged supergravity theory constructed by Gunaydin, Townsend and Sierra. These conformally flat solutions interpolate between supersymmetric AdS vacua, satisfy the Killing spinor (first order) differential equations, and the four-dimensional world on the domain wall is a flat world with N=1 supersymmetry. Regular solutions in this class have the energy density related to the cosmological constants of the supersymmetric AdS vacua. An analysis of such solutions is given for the example of one (real, neutral) vector supermultiplet with the most general form of the prepotential. There are at most two supersymmetric AdS vacua that are in general separated by a singularity in the potential. Nevertheless the supersymmetric domain wall solution exists with the scalar field interpolating continuously across the singular region.

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