Evidence that Chorion-Decidual Prolactin Release Is Calcium Dependent*

The regulation of PRL release from chorion-decidual explants was evaluated in organ-cultures. Agents previously shown to stimulate pituitary release in vitro (TRH, theophylline, estradiol, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) were all without effect on chorion-decidual PRL release. Media free of calcium, however, resulted in 44% decreased chorion-decidual PRL release. Conversely, 2.5 HIM CaCl2 produced a 64% increase in PRL release (P < 0.01). Also, calcium chelationwith EGTA (0.125–1.0 HIM) produced a dose-related decrease in choriondecidual PRL release. This decrease was greatest at 1.0 HIM (P < 0.01), being 56% of control. In contrast, the calcium-calmodulin complex inhibitor trifluoperazine (10 μM) did not significantly alter chorion-decidual PRL release. These studies and previous reports in the literature suggest that different control mechanisms govern pituitary and chorion-decidual PRL release; however, an exception appears to be a common role for calcium. (J Clirv Endocrinol Metab54: 820,1982)