The Saint-James-de Gennes relationship between Hc2 and Hc3 in type II superconductors has been verified in Nb and Nb-O interstitial solid solutions. The observed ratio Hc3Hc2=1.70 is found to be independent of κ, the Ginsburg-Landau parameter, for niobium-containing oxygen in concentrations below the solubility limit at the temperature of introduction. Critical-current data Ic versus H above Hc2, analyzed in terms of a dimension of the superconducting sheath, (e.g., Js=Ic per cm width), reveal sharp breaks at Hc3 when the material becomes normal. For a cold-worked specimen, two portions of the Js(H) curve may be identified, meeting at a definite field corresponding to Hc3 calculated from theory. The upper portion of the curve first meets the normal state curve at a field Hn. The ratio HnHc2 is larger for cold-worked niobium than for cold-worked niobium-oxygen alloys.