An autoradiographic study of the efferent connections of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus

Efferent projections from the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) were traced using tritiated amino acid autoradiography in albino rats. Ascending fibers passed through the anterior hypothalamus. Labelled fibers and terminal fields were seen in the preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, substantia innominata, the anterior amygdaloid area, diagonal bands of Broca and lateral septum. Fibers also projected laterally from VMN and entered the supraoptic commissures and zona incerta. These lateral projections were responsible for the fibers observed in the cerebral peduncle, the amygdala, the thalamus and the reticular formation. Fibers descending in a medial position projected through the posterior hypothalamus and then swept dorsally to terminate in the mesencephalic and pontine central grey. A projection from VMN into the median eminence was noted. The overall patterns of projection from different parts of VMN were similar; differences that existed were primarily in the relative strengths of the different projections. The efferent projections from VMN are extensive, well organized, and would appear capable of supporting significant physiological actions on extra-hypothalamic structures.