Haemopoietic growth factor tyrosine kinase receptor expression profiles in normal haemopoiesis

Expression profiles were generated for the haemopoietic tyrosine kinase receptors (HGF‐TKRs or class III TKRs) by PCR on cDNA samples (RT‐PCR) using a degenerate primer set. Each profile consisted of primary and secondary, i.e. enriched for less‐expressed sequences, fingerprints. This method was applied on FACS‐purified haemopoietic CD34+ cells, both from bone marrow (BM) and umbilical cord blood (UCB), and on mature cells from peripheral blood. CD34+ BM cells showed expression of c‐fms, flt3, whereas CD34+ UCB cells expressed c‐fms and, to a lesser extent, c‐kit and flt3. In mature blood cells, only c‐fms was observed in monocytes and a weaker flt3 expression in monocytes and T lymphocytes, whereas no known class III TKRs were detected in B lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). In all fractions a novel band could be observed, which appeared to be RET. Expression of RET was confirmed by RT‐PCR and showed the highest levels in monocytes, followed by PMNs and CD34+ cells. B lymphocytes revealed low levels of expression. RET is known to be essential in neural development. Our results suggest a possible role for this receptor in haemopoiesis.