Ultrastructural changes of monensin‐oleandomycin myopathy in broiler chicks

Light microscopical and ultrastructural changes of skeletal muscles were described in chicks treated with monensin and oleandomycin in the food and water for 3 to 6 days. Simultaneously, or slightly subsequent to necrosis of some myofibres on days 3 and 4 of treatment, many myofibres exhibited reversible alterations initiated by focal myofibrillar lysis and degeneration of mitochondria. Reparative changes appearing on day 6 of treatment showed proliferation of the mitochondria, marked increase of ribosomes and polysomes, and enlargement of the Golgi apparatus in the sarcoplasm of degenerated myofibres. The morphological findings of monensin‐oleandomycin myopathy in chicks were indistinguishable from monensin‐tiamulin myopathy. Possible factors contributing to the unique morphology of this myopathy were discussed.