Effects Of Nonylphenol And 17β-Oestradiol On Vitellogenin Synthesis, Testicular Structure And Cytology In Male Eelpout Zoarces Viviparus

Nonylphenol has been found to be oestrogenic in fish and may influence the reproductive system of male fish. In the present study, the effects of low (10 µg g−1 week−1 ) and high (100 µg g−1 week−1 ) doses of nonylphenol and of 17β-oestradiol on the synthesis of vitellogenin and on testicular structure and cytology were investigated in male eelpout Zoarces viviparus during active spermatogenesis (May) and late spermatogenesis (June). Twenty-five days after injection, a significant dose-dependent increase in the plasma vitellogenin concentration, measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, was observed in the treated groups. A highly significant reduction in the gonadosomatic index was observed concomitant with the increase in the plasma vitellogenin concentration. Macroscopically, milt was observed to be present in the control fish, but was sparse or absent in the treated fish. Histological examination using light microscopy revealed severe effects of nonylphenol as well as of oestradiol treatment on testicular structure. Control fish had seminiferous lobules containing spermatogenic cysts and only a few spermatozoa (May) or had the walls of their seminiferous lobules lined with cuboidal Sertoli cells (June). In the treated fish, the seminiferous lobules were degenerated (May) or were filled with numerous spermatozoa and the Sertoli cells appeared very squamous (June). Electron microscopy revealed greater numbers of phagocytozed spermatozoa in these Sertoli cells. In rats, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GTP) has been used as a specific marker of Sertoli cell function. In the present study, both nonylphenol and 17β-oestradiol treatment resulted in a reduction in the activity of this enzyme. The study provides evidence that nonylphenol is oestrogenic, as indicated by the large increase in vitellogenin synthesis, and that both nonylphenol and oestradiol have marked effects on the testicular structure and cytology of germ cells and Sertoli cells of male Z. viviparus.