Bubble dynamics, shock waves and sonoluminescence

Sound and light emission by bubbles is studied experimentally. Single bubbles kept in a bubble trap and single laser–generated bubbles are investigated using ultrafast and high–speed photography in combination with hydrophones. The optical observation at 20 million frames per second of the shock waves emitted has proven instrumental in revealing the dynamic process upon bubble collapse. When jet formation is initiated by a non–spherically symmetric environment, several distinct shock waves are emitted within a few hundred nanoseconds, originating from different sites of the bubble. The counterjet phenomenon is interpreted in this context as a secondary cavitation event. Furthermore, the light emission of laser–generated cavities (termed cavitation bubble luminescence) is studied with respect to the symmetry of collapse. The prospects of optical cavitation and multibubble trapping in the study of few–bubble systems and bubble interactions are briefly discussed. Finally, the behaviour of bubble clouds, their oscillations, acoustic noise and light emission are described. Depending on the strength of the driving sound field, period doubling and chaotic oscillations of the collective bubble dynamics are observed.

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