Early time interaction of lithium ions with the solar wind in the AMPTE Mission

The early time interaction of an artificially injected lithium cloud with the solar wind is simulated with a one‐dimensional hybrid code. Simulation results indicate that the lithium cloud presents an obstacle to the solar wind flow, forming a shock‐like interaction region. Several notable features are found: (1) The magnetic field is enhanced up to a factor of about 6, followed by a magnetic cavity downstream. (2) Solar wind ions are slowed down inside the lithium cloud, with substantial upstream reflection. (3) Most of the lithium ions gradually pick up the velocity of the solar wind and move downstream. (4) Intense and short‐wavelength electric fields exist ahead of the interaction region. (5) Strong electron heating occurs within the lithium cloud. (6) The convection electric field in the solar wind is modulated in the interaction region. The simulation results are in remarkable agreement with in situ spacecraft measurements made during lithium releases in the solar wind by the AMPTE (Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers) Program.