Quantitative histological analysis of bony ingrowth within the biomaterial PolyactiveTM implanted in different bone locations: an experimental study in rabbits

The quantity of bone formed in cylinders of a newly developed erodible copolymer, PolyactiveTM (PA60/40) was examined. PA60/40 was implanted in three different bone locations in the rabbit: in the cortex, in bone marrow and in trabecular subchondral bone. Bony ingrowth was assessed after 4, 8, 26 and 52 w after the operation and investigated by histology and image analysis. The ingrowth of bone was observed in PA60/40 placed in the cortex from 4 w onwards. After 8 w, more than 90% of the pores of the biomaterial were filled with dense bone. In bone marrow, initially some bone formation was seen. After 26 w, all newly formed bone was resorbed. Subchondral bone formation was less than in the cortex of the femur, but somewhat comparable to the amount of bone found in healthy trabecular bone. Bone formation appeared not to be affected by the degradation of the biomaterial. It was concluded that PolyactiveTM is a suitable bone graft substitute. Bone formation within PA60/40 is site-dependent and this follows Wolff 's law. © 1998 Chapman & Hall