Electronic Equalization of Multikilometer 10-Gb/s Multimode Fiber Links: Mode-Coupling Effects

This paper investigates the ability of electronic equalization to compensate for modal dispersion in the presence of mode coupling in multimode fibers (MMFs) at 10 Gb/s. Using a new time-domain experimental method, mode coupling is quantified in MMF. These results, together with a comprehensive link model, allow to determine the impact of mode coupling on the performance of MMF. The equalizer performance on links from 300 m to 8 km is quantified with and without modal coupling. It is shown that the mode-coupling effects are influenced by the specific index profile and increase the equalizer penalty by as much as 1 dBo for 1-km links and 2.3 dBo for 2-km links when using a standard model of fiber profiles at 1310 nm