Development and properties of malignant lymphoma induced by magnesium deficiency in rats

Female wistar rats were fed on an Mg-deficient diet. After 8 to 10 weeks, the thymus glands were strongly degenerated and the number of lymphocytes was reduced, especially in the cortex. Thymus degeneration was associated with a decreased rate of DNA, RNA, and protein biosynthesis and necrosis and phagocytosis of lymphocytes. The degeneration was normalized after feeding on an Mg-rich diet. After 10 or 11 weeks of Mg deficiency, local cell proliferations of immature lymphocytes with a great number of free ribosomes were found in some thymus glands. The local cell proliferations developed into infiltrating tumors without metastases. In lymphoma cells the Na+ and Ca2+ content, the turnover of cellular Na+ and K+, and the aerobic production of CO2 and lactate were increased.