The wood anatomy of 15 spp. of Juglans [J. californica, J. major, J. microcarpa, J. nigra, J. australis, J. boliviana J. jamaicensis, J. neotropica, J. olanchana, J. venezuelensis, J. regia, J. ailantifolia, J. cathayensis, J. cinerea, and J. mandschurica] was investigated. Taxonomic keys based on the gross and microscopic structure of wood were used to recognize 4 groups: butternuts (4 spp.), north temperate black walnuts (4 spp.), tropical black walnuts (6 spp.) and the English walnut (1 sp.). The microscopic key identifies 2 of the species within the north temperate black walnut group. In comparing the wood anatomy with the taxonomic classification of Juglans, the English walnut and butternut groups correspond to the taxonomic sections Juglans and Cardiocaryon, respectively. Section Rhysocaryon contains both black walnut groups. Most of the distinguishing features between these two groups appear to be related to latitude and not to major evolutionary trends; thus the wood anatomy displays a gradient from the tropical to temperate species.

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