Taxonomic Position in the GenusBrucellaof the Causative Agent of Canine Abortion

The gram-negative organism causing abortion in dogs was examined in parallel with cultures representative of theBrucellaspecies and withBordetella bronchiseptica. The organism fits into the genusBrucellaand most closely resemblesB. suison the basis of its growth characteristics. It is of rough colonial morphology and is agglutinated by antisera prepared against roughBrucella. In mouse toxicity tests, no endotoxic activity could be demonstrated. In contrast to mostBrucellacultures, it does not utilize erythritol. Electron microscopy showed a cell wall structure similar to that of other gram-negative organisms. The question of whether the organism should be designatedBrucella canis, as proposed by Carmichael and Bruner, orBrucella suisbiotype 5 is discussed. The authors favor the designationBrucella canisbecause the organism lacks the lipopolysaccharide antigen associated with the smooth agglutinogen and endotoxin, and it does not utilize erythritol.