The influence of soil water level, temp., and aeration was investigated. Reductions in nectar yield of 15% to 49% attended deviations in either direction from the optimal soil water level (field capacity). Nectar from wilted plants in either saturated or very dry soil was relatively concentrated. In severely wilted plants secretion continued for several days until the flowers lost turgidity, and re-commenced with restoration of turgidity. In the range 7[degree] C to 27[degree] C a more or less linear increase in nectar yield with increasing soil temp, was observed. No variations in concn. with temp, were noted. Lowering of O2 level in the substrate from 20% to ca. 17% resulted in a reduction in nectar yield of about 12% and a concn. increase of about 6%. Action of exptl. treatments in causing nectar yield reduction appeared complex; as a rule no progressive decline in plant vigor was evident.

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