Crystal electric fields in heavy-electron metals: The specific heats of U2Zn17 and CeCu6 to 70 K

Two temperature scales–(1) T0 (single impurity) and/or TF* (degenerate Fermi) and (2) crystal-electric-field splitting(s) Δ–provide the basis for dividing the excitation spectra of heavy-electron systems into three regimes. They are (i) for T0<T<Δ, the specific heat and susceptibility are that due to independent f atoms in a crystal field; (ii) for T∼T0, a bump appears in the specific heat due to the Kondo compensation; (iii) for T<T0, interaction effects between the f atoms lead to a Fermi-liquid solid where band-structure effects show up in the low-temperature properties (T<TF*/100). This paper is primarily concerned with region (i). In particular, we present new specific-heat data for U2 Zn17 up to 70 K and CeCu6 to 80 K. In comparing these data with those for other heavy-electron materials we conclude that the specific heat for T>T0 is qualitatively consistent with the existence of crystal-electric-field levels, but that the overall experimental entropy is too high. We present a tentative model to account for this discrepancy through the use of Fermi statistics to describe transitions in a stylized band model with two peaks. Crystal-field levels in most cases have not been confirmed by neutron scattering.

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