Phospholipase A2Inhibitors and Their Possible Clinical Use in the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis

A laboratory method was established for measurement of phospholipase A2 activity in buffer and serum. A series of different phospholipase A2 inhibitors was tested. The most effective inhibitors were Ca2+ chelating compounds like EDTA, DTPA, EGTA, and phytic acid. The calcium salt of EDTA also had some inhibitory effect. Serum phospholipase A2 activity in normal healthy control patients was measured. The activity in 27 patients with acute pancreatitis was tested. The activity was abnormally high in five patients. This activity was in vitro inhibited by EDTA and partly by CaNa2EDTA. The clinical picture of these patients did not differ from that of phospholipase-A2-negative patients. Six patients with acute pancreatitis were treated by intravenous infusion of CaNa2EDTA. Two of them had haemorrhagic pancreatitis and two were suspected of having early haemorrhagic pancreatitis. During the CaNa2EDTA infusion serum amylase and phospholipase A2 activities decreased. All patients recovered. No harmful side effects were noticed.