Light scattering near a double critical point: Evidence for crossover behavior

We report measurements of osmotic compressibility in a quasibinary liquid mixture of 3-methylpyridine, water, and heavy water. The measurements probed the lower consolute point (TL) for samples of varying loop sizes (ΔT). An exact doubling of the critical exponent (γ) was observed over the entire experimental temperature range (TL-T) for a sample with ΔT as small as 250 mK. For intermediate ΔT ’s (22≥ΔT≥1 °C), a smooth crossover from the double (2γ) to the single exponent (γ) was noticed, as t [=‖(TL-T)/TL‖]→0. The universal value of γ (=1.24) was recovered for experimen- tal paths terminating in TL for any ΔT, provided the field variable used was tUL [=‖(TU-T)(TL-T)/TU TL‖] instead of t. This field variable (tUL) follows naturally from the geometrical picture as well as the Landau-Ginzburg theory, as applied to the reentrant phase transitions.