An ideal game

Let us consider the following infinite game between two players, Empty and Nonempty. We are given a large set S. Empty opens the game by choosing a large subset S0 of S; then Nonempty chooses a large set S1S0; then Empty chooses large S2S, etc. The game is over after ω moves. If ⋂n=0xSn is empty then Empty wins, and if ⋂n=0Sn is nonempty then Nonempty wins.If “large” means “infinite”, then Empty can beat Nonempty rather easily: he chooses So countable, S0 = {a0, a1,…, an,…}, and then he chooses S2 such that a0S2, S4 such that a1, ∉ S4 and so on.Next we assume that S is a set of uncountable cardinality, and that “large” means “of cardinality ∣S∣”. Then still Empty can win, but his winning strategy is somewhat more sophisticated: Let us identify S with a cardinal number κ. Thus each subset of S of size κ is a set of ordinals below κ. For each X ⊆ κ of size κ, let fx be the unique order-preserving mapping of X onto κ, and let F(X) = {x ϵ X: f(x) is a successor ordinal}. Empty's strategy is to play S0 = F(K), and when Nonempty plays S2k − 1, let S2k = F(S2k − 1).

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