We have observed the crossing of the atomic hydrogen levels βB(2S12, mJ=12, mI=12) and eB(2P12, mJ=+12, mI=12) near 605 G. A new atomic-beam method is used. H atoms are excited to the metastable 2S state by electron bombardment. The 2S(mJ=12) state is quenched in the bombardment region. The 2S(mJ=+12) beam passes through a zero-field region where 13 of it is converted to the single hyperfine level βB. The βB atoms enter a uniform magnetic field parallel to the beam. With no externally applied electric field, 92% of them reach the detector. When we apply an electrostatic field of about 0.7 V/cm perpendicular to the beam, the βB atoms are strongly quenched near the βBeB crossing point. Observed quenching agrees with the Bethe-Lamb theory of the 2S lifetime in external fields. We measure magnetic field by the nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of protons in water. Natural asymmetry and minor experimental corrections reduce the observed center of the βBeB quenching resonance by 1 part in 104. The corrected βBeB crossing occurs at 2577.57±0.25 kc/sec, proton nmr in water. From this, we calculate the Lamb shift S in H, n=2. With a diamagnetic shielding correction, and the accurately known 2S hyperfine interval, we get S=1058.07±0.10 Mc/sec. This disagrees with S=1057.77±0.10 Mc/sec from the Lamb experiments.

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