Allergic Reactivity of Parthenium hysterophorus (Santa Maria Feverfew) Pollen: An Unrecognized Allergen

Parthenium hysterophorus (PH), a member of the Asteraceae, is a ubiquitous weed found in great profusion in the United States Gulf coast area. A plant survey carried out in Texas Gulf coast demonstrated that around Corpus Christi, PH is the most prevalent weed. We have studied known ragweed-sensitive patients living in Austin and Corpus Christi, by radioallergosorbent test (RAST) analysis for PH and Ambrosia psilostachya (AP; western ragweed). Nine often patients from Austin were RAST-positive to PH and AP; 8 of the 10 patients had positive scores to both pollen extracts. All of the 8 patients from Corpus Christi were positive to both PH and AP. The Austin group showed a significant correlation between AP and PH RAST scores while no correlation between RAST values was seen in the Corpus Christi group. RAST inhibition analysis in this highly selected population did reveal patients that had true sensitivity to PH pollen alone or who were sensitive to both PH and AP pollen. This suggests that in areas where it is highly prevalent PH pollen is an overlooked cause of allergic disease.