1. Stimulation electrically as well as chemically applied to the motor face area of the cortex produced generalized epileptic seizures in the limbs and face muscles in monkeys as well as in dogs.2. After removing the homolateral leg and arm area, stimulation to the face area produced epileptic seizures only in the contralateral face muscles in monkeys as well as in dogs.3. After the face area of the cortex was removed, stimulation of the limb or arm area produced seizures in all limbs and trunk and in the ipsilateral face muscles in monkeys as well as in dogs.4. Seizures of the homolateral face muscles following stimulation of the face area could not be produced when the contralateral hemisphere, especially, its face area was removed, and also when the homolateral or the contralateral thalamus was removed in dogs.5. Epileptic seizures for the face muscles as well as for limb muscles following cortical stimulation could not appear after the globus pallidus in both sides were removed, on the contrary, the tonic contraction could be produced. Chemical stimulation to the globus pallidus produced epileptic seizures of all limbs, the homolateral face muscles in dogs and of bilateral eyelids and ears.6. Stimulation of the frontal eye field produced a conjugate deviation of the eyes to the opposite side and clonic convulsion of the eyelids and ears. It did not produce seizures of the face muscles nor limb muscles in monkeys as well as in dogs. It was established that the frontal eye field in dogs was situated in the prorea (in front of the gyrus compositus ant.).7. The efferent pathway of the epileptic seizures for face muscles differed from that for limb muscles. It took the course that the cells of the cortical area for face projected to the homolateral thalamus from which the second neurone to the homolateral globus pallidus. The third neurone started in the globus pallidus, crossed at the level between the thalamus and midbrain and reached the medial side of the substantia nigra and its posterior locus of substantia reticularis, which would be the executing center of an epileptic spasm of the muscles of that half of the face from which the fourth neurone got to the nuclei of the cranial nerves for face muscles.8. The copious secretion of saliva which accompanied the epileptic seizure could not be produced when seizure of the face could not be elicited in monkeys as well as in dogs.

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