Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing

Progress of research efforts in a novel technology is contingent on having a rigorous organization of its knowledge domain and a comprehensive understanding of all the relevant components of this technology and their relationships. Cloud computing is one contemporary technology in which the research community has recently embarked. Manifesting itself as the descendant of several other computing research areas such as service-oriented architecture, distributed and grid computing, and virtualization, cloud computing inherits their advancements and limitations. Towards the end-goal of a thorough comprehension of the field of cloud computing, and a more rapid adoption from the scientific community, we propose in this paper an ontology of this area which demonstrates a dissection of the cloud into five main layers, and illustrates their interrelations as well as their inter-dependency on preceding technologies. The contribution of this paper lies in being one of the first attempts to establish a detailed ontology of the cloud. Better comprehension of the technology would enable the community to design more efficient portals and gateways for the cloud, and facilitate the adoption of this novel computing approach in scientific environments. In turn, this will assist the scientific community to expedite its contributions and insights into this evolving computing field.

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