Tetracycline Staining of Newly Forming Bone and Mineralizing Cartilagein Vivo

Achromycin is given to patients or laboratory animals in doses of 1.0 gm/75 Ib of body wt/24 hr for 3 days, and 2 or more days allowed to elapse before biopsy or sacrifice. Undecalcified sections of bone are then made by Frost's method (Stain Techn., 33, 273-7, 1958) and stained in 1.0% basic fuchsin in 40% ethanol. The achromycin is found deposited in bone mineralizing during the period of drug administration. It develops a visible yellow color, which can be seen by ordinary bright-field microscopy, and which is colorfast and free from diffusion or translocation. It is possible to measure the width of lamellae of bone so labelled and in this manner study osteoblastic activity.

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