The Dissociation of Ethyl Bromide and Iodide by Neutron Capture

A study has been made of recoil halogen species ejected from gaseous ethyl bromide and iodide after neutron capture. The results demonstrate that a fraction of the radio‐halide fragments carry a positive charge. The fraction charged is 12 percent for the 4.4‐hr Br80m, 25 percent for the 36‐hr Br82, and 50 percent for the 25‐min I128. The corresponding estimate for the 18‐min Br80 is very approximately 18 percent. The positive charges are attributed to internal conversion processes in the stabilization of the compound nucleus formed by neutron capture. The fraction of positive recoil ions is interpreted as the minimum fraction of neutron capture processes which are followed by an internal conversion process. A comment is made upon the possible significance of the ions in the study of chemical reactions induced by radiative neutron capture. A study of the 18‐min Rb88 from β‐decay of the 2.8‐hr Kr88 was made using the procedures and equipment employed in the halogen experiments. The results show that all Rb88 atoms are positively charged as expected.