Aylax hypecoiTrotter (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) in Europe: Redescription, with taxonomic and biological notes

Aylax hypecoi (Trotter) (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Aylacini), a poorly known cynipid wasp inducing galls on Hypecoum species (Papaveraceae), was described from North Africa and also doubtfully recorded from Greece about a century ago. The species has now been found in Bulgaria and thus its presence in Europe is confirmed for the first time. The species is redescribed and illustrated with SEM pictures of the adult female; galls are also described and illustrated. Data on distribution and biology are given, and its taxonomic and phylogenetic position are discussed. Aylax spirorhynchusii Diakontshuk, 1990 Diakontshuk LA [A new cynipid species of the genus Aylax (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) from Transcaucasus and Middle Asia]. 1990 In: Akimov I. A, editor. News of faunistics and systematics Kiev Naukova Dumka p 126–127. (Rus) , another aylacine species, recorded from Transcaucasus and Middle Asia as a gall‐inducer on Spirorhynchus sabulosus Kar. and Kir. (Brassicaceae) is a synonym of Aylax hypecoi and the host plant record stated is a possible misidentification.