Abnormal anti-Epstein Barr virus antibodies in carriers of the X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome and in females at risk.

The asymptomatic hemizygous female carriers of the X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP) have abnormal antibody responses to EBV. This suggests partial expression of the defect that leads to EBV-provoked life-threatening diseases in their affected sons. EBV specific antibodies were measured in 65 serum samples of 12 obligate carrier females and seven of their daughters (females at risk) during periods ranging from 1 to 5 yr. Abnormal qualitative antiviral capsid antigen (VCA) IgG titers were nearly fourfold higher than normal controls, two carriers had persistent IgM anti-VCA antibody, two-thirds had persistent IgA anti-VCA antibody, and half of the women had titers to early antigen (EA). Five of seven females exhibited a similar persistent pattern. In contrast, none of the unaffected family members nor 23 normal controls expressed IgA or IgM titers to VCA even with high exposure to the virus, and anti-EA was detected in only one control. Therefore, these findings may prove useful for detecting carriers of the syndrome. Abnormal anti-EBV titers similar to the carrier pattern have been reported in patients and other immunosuppressed individuals, and are indicative of active viral infection.