4 groups of Ss, scoring in the extremes of Neuroticism and Extraversion scales, participated in 3 sessions of 100 learning and 25 extinction trials of timing behavior. ½ of the Ss of each group took a placebo at Session 2, the other ½ at Session 3. A repeated measurement, 2 X 2 Latin square design, was incorporated. Accuracy was significantly greater for Low than High neurotics during reinforcement trials. Accuracy significantly decreased for High neurotic introverts and increased for the High neurotic extraverts, and Low neurotic introverts and extraverts groups. Under placebo conditions, introverts' accuracy was significantly greater than extraverts'. High neurotic introverts were considered positive placebo reactors, and High neurotic extraverts were negative placebo reactors. (22 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)

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