Generalized Susceptibility Function for Rare Earths and Thorium and Their Alloys

The results of calculations of the generalized susceptibility function χ(q) for the rare-earth metals and thorium and its alloys with rare earths are presented. For the heavy rare earths Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, and Lu, the calculation was confined to the ΓA direction, and a mesh of 450 000 points in the Brillouin zone was used. For the double-hexagonal close-packed crystals Nd and Pr, a mesh of 400 000 points in the Brillouin zone was chosen, while for thorium and its fcc alloys with rare earths, a mesh of 2 048 000 points in the Brillouin zone was used. The results of calculations on Sc and Y have also been included for the sake of comparison with the heavy rare earths. The matrix elements, which couple the f electron and the conduction electron, appearing in the expression for the generalized susceptibility function, were taken to be constant. Our calculations show that the χ(q) curves obtained in this way are reasonably smooth and the scatter of points along the curves is less than 3%. The results have been compared with the experimental data on turn angles, spin-wave dispersion curves, and phonon spectra where available.