Transmission of equine cyathostomes (Strongylidae) in central Texas

SUMMARY: After foaling, 6 mares and their foals were placed on equine parasite-free pastures. Observations of fecal nematode eggs and pasture larvae indicated peak cyathostome egg production occurred in late August and early September, with greatest numbers of larvae on the forage appearing during October. Two foals were necropsied for parasitologic evaluations at approximately 155 days of age. Both had approximately 100,000 adult cyathostomes, mostly Cylicostephanus longibursatus, Cylicocyclus nassatus and Cyathostomum catinatum. However, there were nearly 7 times more cyathostome larvae (189,004) in the foal necropsied in October, during the autumn rise in pasture larval populations, than in the foal examined in September (27,354).