The humus composition was analyzed and the humic acid characterized by UV and visible absorption spectroscopy in order to investigate the rotting and maturing process of city refuse compost according to the method of Kumada et al. During the composting process, the following findings were obtained: (1) the HT value was almost constant, but the HE/HT ratio varied somewhat, (2) HA increased with decrease in FA, and the PQ value so increased clearly, (3) the shoulder-like absorption at a wavelength near 270 nm weakened, and (4) the RF value of humic acid increased, whereas the Δ log K value seldom varied. The IR spectrum of humic acid gradually changed as follows: (1) the absorption band in the 1700-1600 cm-1 region and in the 1550-1500 cm-1 region increased slightly, (2) the band in the 1100-1000 cm-1 region decreased, and (3) the bands at 835 and 710 cm-1 com pletely disappeared. On the whole, the shape of the IR spectrum of the city refuse compost became featureless. These changes were probably due to the oxidation which occurred in the composting process.