Metastability of the uniform magnetization in three-dimensional random-field Ising model systems. II. Fe0.47Zn0.53F2

Optical Faraday rotation was used to measure the uniform magnetization M versus temperature T, field H, and time t of the random-field Ising model system Fe0.47 Zn0.53 F2. The critical behavior of (∂M/∂T)H versus T in fields up to 5 T confirms previous results at lower fields H≤1.9 T. The dynamical rounding temperature ɛ* scales as H2/φ with φ∼1.4, as predicted previously. Excess magnetization ΔM is found in the field-cooled or field-decreased metastable domain state, respectively. ΔM is concentrated at the domain walls and, hence, scales as H2 at T∼Tc(H). On cooling ΔM approaches zero in the low-H, broad-wall limit, but ΔM is approximately constant for large H at all T<Tc(H), where vacancy pinning dominates. By decreasing from large H at constant low T, one subsequently finds ΔM∝[Tln(t/τ)]1. Both the behavior for T∼Tc and for high H are essentially as predicted recently by Nattermann and Vilfan. The primary difference is that τ is not simply a constant attempt time, τ010141010 s, but rather varies with T, approximately as τ=τ0exp(DT), with D∼1.3 K1. This can be understood by considering the increasing influence of domain volume contributions to ΔM as T approaches Tc. ΔM>0 is also found on reversing the T scan of a zero-field cooled sample below but close to Tc. ΔM in this case is due to the freezing-in of very slow finite-size thermal fluctuations and does not indicate broken long-range order.